Class TQueue



type TQueue<T> = class(TCustomList<T>)


No description available, ancestor TCustomList description follows

More info: TODO: custom memory managers (as constraints) ˜approximation to golden ratio: n = n * 1.5 } {$DEFINE CUSTOM_LIST_CAPACITY_INC := Result * 2} // standard inc



Internal Classes and Records

Public TEnumerator = class(TCustomListEnumerator<T>)
Public TPointersEnumerator = class(TCustomPointersEnumerator<T,PT>)


Private FLow: SizeInt;


Protected function GetPtrEnumerator: TEnumerator<PT>; override;
Protected function DoGetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>; override;
Public function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator; reintroduce;
Protected procedure SetCapacity(AValue: SizeInt); override;
Protected function DoRemove(AIndex: SizeInt; ACollectionNotification: TCollectionNotification): T; override;
Protected function GetCount: SizeInt; override;
Public constructor Create(ACollection: TEnumerable<T>); overload;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Enqueue(constref AValue: T);
Public function Dequeue: T;
Public function Extract: T;
Public function Peek: T;
Public procedure Clear;
Public procedure TrimExcess; override;



Private FLow: SizeInt;


Protected function GetPtrEnumerator: TEnumerator<PT>; override;
Protected function DoGetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>; override;

bug #24287 - workaround for generics type name conflict (Identifier not found) next bug workaround - for another error related to previous workaround change order (function must be declared before TEnumerator declaration}

Public function GetEnumerator: TEnumerator; reintroduce;
Protected procedure SetCapacity(AValue: SizeInt); override;
Protected function DoRemove(AIndex: SizeInt; ACollectionNotification: TCollectionNotification): T; override;
Protected function GetCount: SizeInt; override;
Public constructor Create(ACollection: TEnumerable<T>); overload;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Enqueue(constref AValue: T);
Public function Dequeue: T;
Public function Extract: T;
Public function Peek: T;
Public procedure Clear;
Public procedure TrimExcess; override;

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