Class TCustomSet



type TCustomSet<T> = class(TEnumerableWithPointers<T>)





Internal Classes and Records

Protected TCustomSetEnumerator = class(TEnumerator<T>)

Internal Types

Public PT = ˆT;


Protected FOnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T>;


Protected function DoGetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>; override;
Protected function GetCount: SizeInt; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetCapacity: SizeInt; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetCapacity(AValue: SizeInt); virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetOnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T>; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetOnNotify(AValue: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T>); virtual; abstract;
Public constructor Create; virtual; abstract; overload;
Public constructor Create(ACollection: TEnumerable<T>); overload;
Public function GetEnumerator: TCustomSetEnumerator; reintroduce; virtual; abstract;
Public function Add(constref AValue: T): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function Remove(constref AValue: T): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function Extract(constref AValue: T): T; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
Public function Contains(constref AValue: T): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function AddRange(constref AValues: array of T): Boolean; overload;
Public function AddRange(const AEnumerable: IEnumerable<T>): Boolean; overload;
Public function AddRange(AEnumerable: TEnumerable<T>): Boolean; overload;
Public procedure UnionWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure IntersectWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure ExceptWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure SymmetricExceptWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure TrimExcess; virtual; abstract;


Public property Count: SizeInt read GetCount;
Public property Capacity: SizeInt read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
Public property OnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T> read GetOnNotify write SetOnNotify;


Internal Types

Public PT = ˆT;


Protected FOnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T>;


Protected function DoGetEnumerator: TEnumerator<T>; override;
Protected function GetCount: SizeInt; virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetCapacity: SizeInt; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetCapacity(AValue: SizeInt); virtual; abstract;
Protected function GetOnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T>; virtual; abstract;
Protected procedure SetOnNotify(AValue: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T>); virtual; abstract;
Public constructor Create; virtual; abstract; overload;
Public constructor Create(ACollection: TEnumerable<T>); overload;
Public function GetEnumerator: TCustomSetEnumerator; reintroduce; virtual; abstract;
Public function Add(constref AValue: T): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function Remove(constref AValue: T): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function Extract(constref AValue: T): T; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure Clear; virtual; abstract;
Public function Contains(constref AValue: T): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
Public function AddRange(constref AValues: array of T): Boolean; overload;
Public function AddRange(const AEnumerable: IEnumerable<T>): Boolean; overload;
Public function AddRange(AEnumerable: TEnumerable<T>): Boolean; overload;
Public procedure UnionWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure IntersectWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure ExceptWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure SymmetricExceptWith(AHashSet: TCustomSet<T>);
Public procedure TrimExcess; virtual; abstract;


Public property Count: SizeInt read GetCount;
Public property Capacity: SizeInt read GetCapacity write SetCapacity;
Public property OnNotify: TCollectionNotifyEvent<T> read GetOnNotify write SetOnNotify;

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